Total Damage: 0%
Resupply Time: 15h 0min
Cantabery 1: 0% 2: 0% 3: 0%
Ashford 4: 0% 5: 0% 6: 0%
Whistable 7: 0% 8: 0%
Sittingbourne 9: 0%

Total Damage: 0%
Resupply Time: 15h 0min
Rouen East 1: 0%
Rouen 2: 0%
Abbeville 3: 0% 4: 0%
Montreuil 5: 0% 6: 0%
Breteuil 7: 0%
Amiens 8: 0% 9: 0%

Total Damage: 0%
Resupply Time: 15h 0min
Essen 1: 0% 2: 0%
Dusseldorf 3: 0% 4: 0%
Dortmund 5: 0%
Enschede 6: 0%
Koeln 7: 0% 8: 0%
Frankfurt 9: 0%
Leeuwaarden 10: 0% 11: 0%
Limburg 12: 0%
Zwolle 13: 0% 14: 0%
Hoogeveen 15: 0% 16: 0%
Mepple 17: 0%
Harlingen 18: 0%
[Factory Graphs] ×
Current Tier: 5
Allied: 32.6%
Axis: 65.2%
[American BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
22:00sicness1st Fighter WingAmiensCambraiAvailable
19:52bigwoody91st Infantry BrigadeLeuzeAthAvailable
19:49bigwoody9th DivisionCondeLeuzeAvailable
17:05SYSTEM92nd Infantry BrigadeMonsThulinAvailable
14:58wegue92nd Infantry BrigadeThulinMonsAvailable
14:58wegue91st Infantry BrigadeCondeLeuzeAvailable
12:23capco91st Infantry BrigadeValenciennesCondeAvailable
12:23capco9th DivisionValenciennesCondeAvailable
[British BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
23:50canukplf2nd Infantry Division GuiseCatillon35 mins
22:50canukplf5th Infantry BrigadeGuiseCatillonAvailable
22:47canukplf2nd Infantry Division BohainGuiseAvailable
17:59sicness61 SquadronBiggin HillCambraiAvailable
17:59sicness60 Fighter WingBiggin HillLilleAvailable
17:41sicness61 SquadronLilleBiggin HillAvailable
17:41sicness60 Fighter WingCambraiBiggin HillAvailable
12:55brinn42038 Destroyer SquadronVlissingenWhitstableAvailable
12:55brinn42019 Destroyer FlotillaBrightonVlissingenAvailable
[French BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
20:40howlingmadForce de lAtlantiqueCalaisKrabbendijkeAvailable
20:16canukplf2e Division Legere MecaniqueTerneuzenZelzateAvailable
20:15canukplf8e Regiment de CuirassiersTerneuzenZelzateAvailable
16:18colsmithFlotille du Pas de CalaisWhitstableWalsoordenAvailable
[German BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
23:58slpr6. ZerstorerflottilleBerlaimontRotterdam South Naval Station42.9 mins
23:57slpr5. ZerstorerflottilleRotterdam South Naval StationBerlaimont42.4 mins
23:21SYSTEM3.Panzer 1. KampfgruppeLandreciesBerlaimontAvailable
23:08slpr3.Panzer 1. KampfgruppeBerlaimontLandreciesAvailable
20:33slprI.Gruppe 3.JagdgeschwaderKerpenBrussels NEAvailable
20:33slprII.Gruppe 3.Jagdgeschwader DusseldorfAntwerp SouthAvailable
20:14slprII.Gruppe 3.Jagdgeschwader Antwerp SouthDusseldorfAvailable
20:13slprI.Gruppe 3.JagdgeschwaderBrussels NEKerpenAvailable
20:10slpr3.Panzer 1. KampfgruppeLandreciesBerlaimontAvailable
19:06slpr4.Panzer 1. Kampfgruppe BincheMonsAvailable
12:51uru3.Panzer 1. KampfgruppeBerlaimontLandreciesAvailable
Day 37 of Campaign 210
Server: Online Population: Average Weather: Clear
[Attack Objectives]
Allied: 1 Axis: 1

Town: St.Niklaas
Contested: No
Town: Maubeuge
Contested: No
[Total Kills]
Allied: 69 K/D: 2.23
Axis: 31 K/D: 0.45
[Last 24 Hours]
Allies: 2,416 K/D: 1.04
Axis: 2,319 K/D: 0.96
[Town Ownership]
Allies: 37%Axis: 63%
[Taken in the past 24 Hours]
Landrecies -> Allies
Catillon -> Allies
Mons -> Axis
Krabbendijke -> Allies
[Town Search]







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