Total Damage: 0%
Resupply Time: 15h 0min
Cantabery 1: 0% 2: 0% 3: 0%
Ashford 4: 0% 5: 0% 6: 0%
Whistable 7: 0% 8: 0%
Sittingbourne 9: 0%

Total Damage: 0%
Resupply Time: 15h 0min
Rouen East 1: 0%
Rouen 2: 0%
Abbeville 3: 0% 4: 0%
Montreuil 5: 0% 6: 0%
Breteuil 7: 0%
Amiens 8: 0% 9: 0%

Total Damage: 0%
Resupply Time: 15h 0min
Essen 1: 0% 2: 0%
Dusseldorf 3: 0% 4: 0%
Dortmund 5: 0%
Enschede 6: 0%
Koeln 7: 0% 8: 0%
Frankfurt 9: 0%
Leeuwaarden 10: 0% 11: 0%
Limburg 12: 0%
Zwolle 13: 0% 14: 0%
Hoogeveen 15: 0% 16: 0%
Mepple 17: 0%
Harlingen 18: 0%
[Factory Graphs] ×
Current Tier: 10
Allied: 57.1%
Axis: 14.1%
[American BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
02:26canukplf91st Infantry BrigadeOrchiesBouchainAvailable
02:07canukplf9th DivisionDouaiFechainAvailable
20:33sicness15th Bombardment SquadronBiggin HillVitry-En-ArtoisAvailable
20:12SYSTEM15th Bombardment SquadronCambraiBiggin HillAvailable
19:57canukplf91st Infantry BrigadeDouaiOrchiesAvailable
19:37mcafeed91st Infantry BrigadeOrchiesDouaiAvailable
[British BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
04:16SYSTEM3rd Commandos ZottegemBrakel0.6 mins
01:54canukplf4th Infantry BrigadeLa FereSt.QuentinAvailable
01:53canukplf5th Infantry BrigadeLe CateletBohainAvailable
22:06GOOGS2nd Armored BrigadeSt.QuentinNeuvilletteAvailable
20:33sicness61 SquadronBiggin HillVitry-En-ArtoisAvailable
20:12SYSTEM1st Paratroop Brigade CambraiBiggin HillAvailable
20:12SYSTEM61 SquadronCambraiBiggin HillAvailable
19:26mcafeedSpecial Air Service LeuzeAthAvailable
18:11SYSTEMSpecial Air Service AthLeuzeAvailable
17:52canukplf1st Guards (Armored) ZottegemBrakelAvailable
[French BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
20:33sicnessGroupe de Chasse III/3Biggin HillVitry-En-ArtoisAvailable
20:12SYSTEMGroupe de Chasse III/3CambraiBiggin HillAvailable
19:30mcafeedForce de lAtlantiqueReimsTerneuzenAvailable
17:21canukplf4e Legere Mecanique (Armored) ZelzateEekloAvailable
[German BDE Movement]
Time (GMT)Moved ByBrigadeMoved FromMoved ToMoveable In
02:32slpr4.Panzer 2. KampfgruppeSolesmesCaudryAvailable
02:29delems4.Panzer 3.Kampfgruppe (Armored)LandreciesSolesmesAvailable
02:29delems4. Panzer-DivisionMaubeugeBerlaimontAvailable
02:11slpr4.Panzer 3.Kampfgruppe (Armored)BerlaimontLandreciesAvailable
01:45SYSTEM3.Panzer 2. KampfgruppeBohainGuiseAvailable
17:04slpr6. ZerstorerflottilleRotterdam South Naval StationWalsoordenAvailable
17:04slpr4. ZerstorerflottilleWalsoordenRotterdam South Naval StationAvailable
16:42slpr4.Panzer 3.Kampfgruppe (Armored)LandreciesBerlaimontAvailable
16:39slpr4.Panzer 2. KampfgruppeLandreciesSolesmesAvailable
16:37mingusI.Gruppe 3.JagdgeschwaderMaubeugeVouziersAvailable
16:37mingusI.Gruppe 2.JagdgeschwaderVouziersMaubeugeAvailable
Day 63 of Campaign 210
Server: Online Population: Average Weather: Clear
[Attack Objectives]
Allied: 0 Axis: 1

Town: Caudry
Contested: No
[Total Kills]
Allied: 130 K/D: 3.51
Axis: 37 K/D: 0.28
[Last 24 Hours]
Allies: 3,034 K/D: 0.99
Axis: 3,059 K/D: 1.01
[Town Ownership]
Allies: 34%Axis: 66%
[Taken in the past 24 Hours]
Zottegem -> Axis
Bohain -> Allies
Chavignon -> Allies
Chavignon -> Axis
Ninove -> Axis
Stavenisse -> Allies
Laon -> Axis
[Town Search]







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